Rhombus Payment Analytics
Portfolio Analysis
Receive a customized monthly portfolio overview detailing residual performance, top performing merchants, and agents.
Merchant Churn
Identify your problem merchants, risks, and expenses to maximize your net revenue with our churn analysis.
Custom Inquiries
Answer the specific questions you have about your portfolio.
Work with our analysts to understand how you can maximize profits on your book of business.
Track Every Penny
Working with Rhombus, you can understand and track where every penny of your processing revenue goes. With our analytics tracking, you’ll understand where your largest profits come from and where your hidden expenses lie.
Forcast your Future
Understanding the ebb and flows of your portfolio protects your business’ future. Our analytics will not only help you understand your company’s projected revenues but assist your decision making to turn pennies into profits.
Bring In-depth Analysis to Your Portfolio
Contact Rhombus to deepen your understanding and maximize your revenue.