Rhombus Residual Audits

The Challenge

Every month you receive a residual statement.  It verifies to the penny the volume your merchants did and how you are paid.  With all this data you should feel content with the money you make.  But you’ve heard of the errors, the interchange shaving, and handled the angry customer service calls.  You know it might be worth verifying this data.  But how?

The Solution

Rhombus’ audit platform can handle any residual.  Designed to go beyond a 10% error test, Rhombus’ algorithms check every single line item of your residual to ensure accuracy.  Any inaccuracy is reported back to you in simple reporting designed to easily take back to your processor to fix.

Quick Turnaround

Confidence in your Revenue



Day Setup

Day Turnarounds

Accurate Residual

Confirm Your Revenue

Profit Verification

Ensure your merchants were correctly charged for each line item and that you received every penny you deserve.


Monthly and Annual Fees

Ensure those monthly and annual fees show up when they are supposed to and only when they are supposed to.

Portfolio Snapshot

Receive a snapshot overview of your portfolio month over month based on your residuals.

Bring Confidence to Your Residuals

Contact Rhombus now to learn more about how our audits will ensure accurate payments and maximize your revenue.